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Having a Blunt Friend in Our Life is a Luck?

If You Have A Blunt Friend In Your Life, You Are Lucky!

Probably, you have that one friend who is always sincere about everything and always says their honest opinion. The dictionary says that the meaning of the word “blunt” is “uncompromisingly forthright.” According to sociology, blunt friends are the best friends we can have. Wonder why? Read on to find out. 1. They Are Honest About […]

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How to Deal with Toxic Family Members

How to Deal with Toxic Family Members

Even though we are adults, toxic family members and parents can still make our life miserable. It doesn’t matter how badly they treated us when we were a child, they still believe we owe them. Owe them respect, loyalty and we should do what they want now and forever. They don’t value our point of […]

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6 Traits That Only Strong Women Possess

6 Traits That Only Strong Women Possess

Some women are survivors; they easily stand out from the rest due to their strong spirit. These women are a source of inspiration for all of us, men and women because they are unbreakable. Sounds familiar? There are 6 traits these strong women have that separate them from people. A woman who can relate to […]

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Could Having a Sister Makes Us a Better Person?

Having a Sister Makes You a Better Person, Study Says

Having a sibling can truly impact our lives. And, that is now confirmed by science. It was discovered that having an older or younger sister can make our life better. The lead author of the research is Laura Padilla-Walker. She is a professor at Brigham Young University. This research sorts out the impact of parents […]

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12 Questions Every Parent Needs to Ask Their Children

12 Questions Every Parent Needs to Ask Their Children

By the age of seven, every child is almost completely developed, and that period of time determines how children will see the world. Bionutritionist and MS, Nancy Guberti says that guardians need to provide a good environment for their children followed by communication. If children are exposed to negative treatment, they may develop emotional problems. […]

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