Author Archives: GaBi

How to Keep Ticks Off All Summer Long

We have all met those tiny pests named ticks. Ticks usually live in moist and humid environments, near or in wooded or grassy areas. While we are doing outdoor activities like camping, gardening or hiking, we can come into contact with these pests. They can be really bothersome and uncomfortable as well. Sadly, they are […]

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21 Unconventional Uses for Baking Soda

21 Unconventional Uses for Baking Soda

We all have at least one box of baking soda in our kitchen. Many Americans keep soda for baking, for absorbing odors in the fridge, and for cleaning. But, baking soda can be used for health purposes as well, so it would be good for us to keep one more box in our medicine cabinet. […]

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Horses Can Read Human Facial Expressions?

Interesting: Horses Notice When You Are Happy Or Angry, Studies Say

For over 5,000 years, people have been living and working with the help of horses. Primitive bridles in the north part of Kazakhstan wore down the teeth of the first domesticated horses.(1) Without the help of horses to pull carriages, haul plough, carry messages of war and love, and march soldiers we would not have […]

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