8 Warning Signs of a Heart Attack You Need to be Aware Of

A Month Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You With These 9 Signals

It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it. This rule affects every illness, and it is very important especially when there is no precise acknowledgment of the symptoms.

In this article, you are going to read about some symptoms that people ignore, but may indicate the possibility of getting a heart attack. It is good to be aware of your health. By knowing these symptoms, you will be able to take care of yourself. (1)

1. Tiredness

Among the main symptoms is infrequent fatigue, and it indicates a possible heart attack. Women have this symptom more often than men. You should know that physical or mental exertion does not cause fatigue, they are usually relieved when the day is over.

This symptom indicates on heart attack, it is clear and you will notice it immediately. Sometimes, it may be hard for you to make your bed or take a shower.

2. Stomachache

The most frequent symptoms are nausea, stomachache, distressed stomach, or bloated stomach. It can appear equally in men and women.

Usually, abdominal pain before a heart attack is relieving, and then again it is happening again. An extreme physical effort may worsen abdominal pains.

3. Insomnia

Insomnia happens more often in women than in men. It is associated with a risk of a heart attack or stroke. It is followed by anxiety and forgetfulness. The symptoms are trouble maintaining sleep, trouble falling asleep, waking up early, and feeling nauseous and nervous. (2)

4. Dyspnea

Dyspnea means shortness of breath which is a feeling of not being able to take a deep breath. It happens in men and women for about six months before a heart attack.

This is a warning symptom that something is not right with your health. You feel lightheaded, trembling, cannot get enough air, and have dyspnea.

5. Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia means missed heartbeat, and it is followed by panic attacks and anxiety. Usually, it happens among women. It occurs unpredictably, and it may be an irregular heartbeat, or increased heart rate (tachycardia).

Your heart rate may be increased by physical training as well, especially in cases with atherosclerosis conditions. This irregularity of the heartbeat stays for a minute or two.

If it lasts longer, you may experience dizziness as well as extreme fatigue, and you need to immediately call your doctor. (3)

6. Excessive Sweat

Unusual sweating is the first indication of a heart attack. It occurs at any time. It happens in women, and it is often confused with symptoms of menopause. You may experience sweaty skin, flu, or stickiness.

Sweatiness is usually more excessive at night; you may even wake up with wet sheets.

7. Pain in the Chest

Chest pains occur in both men and women. Men should not ignore this symptom because it indicates a heart attack. About 30 % percent of women are affected.

This type of pain can happen in both hands, but especially the left one, the lower jaw, neck, shoulder, even in the abdomen. It may be short or long.

8. Upper Back Pain

This type of pain is another symptom indicating a heart attack. It is described as happening between the shoulder blades.

What Are the Risk Factors?

As you know to smoke, lack of physical activity and obesity are the most common risk factors. However, there are several factors that people do not usually notice, but they are important in maintaining your health and avoiding a heart attack.

  • Men may experience hair growth in the ear canal.
  • When walking, you experience light tenderness in the calf muscles.
  • The inner corner of your eye has yellow patches.
  • Earlobe Crease.

What Should You Do?

If you experience these symptoms, doctors say that you need to be checked immediately. You need to call 9-1-1 even if you are not sure, but you are experiencing heart attack symptoms.

Medications can help you out by restoring the circulation to the heart and giving you a higher chance of surviving. All in all, if you want to prevent a heart attack, you need to be responsible for your health. Now you know the symptoms, you need to be cautious.

You should not smoke and do not expose yourself to second-hand smoke. Make sure to eat healthy foods, monitor your cholesterol, exercise regularly, and lower stress. Your life is in your own hands. Do as much as you can to be healthy.