Ancient Trees: The Woman That Spent 14 Years Photographing The World’s Oldest Trees

We live on an amazing planet with a lot of beauty. And, there are many people who are not aware how incredible our planet is. Till now, our planet Earth is the only planet that offers conditions for us to live. So, that fact makes it special.

Anyway, besides the living conditions, we have so many other things that make our planet unique. Ever thought of looking and actually seeing the things that are there?

When was the last time you were on a beach and watched the sunset there? When was the last time when you went for a walk without your phone in order to enjoy the beauty of nature?

You know the answer is probably “a long time ago,” and that is too bad because we are living in a fast world, we forget about our lives, we forget to enjoy our planet.

But, there was this woman named Beth Moon that knew the beauty of Earth and decided to go on a long journey that lasted 14 years. On this journey made photos of the oldest trees, we have in this world.

And, as you can imagine, the results were just astonishing. When you see these photographs, you will definitely be grateful to live on this planet.

Who is Beth Moon?

She is a photographer from San Francisco who went on a trip around the world in order to find and capture the oldest trees we have. She went to beautiful places, and she found unbelievable ancient trees that will take your breath.

Beth went to Europe, Asia, USA, Africa, and the Middle East. She was brave enough to go to places where others would not in order to capture the most beautiful photographs.

Some of the trees Beth found to grow in isolation, private estates, remote mountainsides., and nature preserves. Beth Moon says that those ancient and incredible trees have big meaning to our planet.

This woman published a book in which she includes her breathtaking photos, and if you want to buy the book, you can do it here.

This is a photo of the Avenue of the Baobabs.

Here you can see a photo of the Bufflesdrift Baobab.

Here is the Croft Castle Chestnut.

On this photo, you see the Bowthorpe Oak.

This is the Desert Rose.

Here you see the Yews of Wakehurst.

This huge tree is called the Heart of the Dragon.

Here you see Kapok.

Here is the Diksom Forest.

On this photo, you can see this interesting tree called the Ifaty Teapot.

Here is the Great Western Cedar.

This is the King’s Canyon.

The Rooted Passage. Beautiful isn’t it?

Here is the Ancor Passage.

This is the Bristle Pine Relic.

On this photo, you can see the Majesty.

This is Rilke’s Bayon.

Here you see the Whittinghame Yew.

Here is the Queen Elizabeth Oak

Love is in nature! The Lovers.

This image represents the Quiver Tree Forest.

This is Chestnut in Cowdry Park.

An interesting fact is that the oldest tree is 5,062-years-old, and it belongs to the Pinus Longaeva species. While the oldest clonal tree is old amazing 80,000 years.

Source: The Conscious Club