Native Americans Left a Code of 20 Rules for Mankind to Live By?

20 Rules of the Native American Code of Ethics

Great people from every ethnicity, culture, religion, or tribe respect the specific code of living. That code goes beyond the distinctions among people. It makes people’s characters. And, as we know every culture is one-of-a-kind.

The Native American Code of Ethics, published in the Inter-Tribal Times, in October 1994 is one of the most progressive and effective codes. In addition, the code teaches everyone how to lead excellent lives. (1)

Also, it is very interesting that the code’s teachings can be found in many more beliefs and faiths.

The Native American Code of Ethics

1. When the sun rises, you should pray. Likewise, you should do praying alone and often. When you speak, the Great Spirit will listen to you.

2. Tolerate people who have lost their way. A lost soul is full of ignorance, anger, jealousy, vanity, anger, and greed. So, pray for these people to find their ways.

3. Since it is your path, you should make it yourself. Do not let other people make it for you. People may keep you company on the way, but they cannot walk it instead of you.

4. Respect and honor your guests. Give your guests the best bed, and the best food.

5. If something is not yours, do not take it. Also, it does not matter if it belongs to a person, nature, culture, or community; it is not yours to take.

6. Have respect towards everything on this earth whether people or plants.

7. Let everyone express themselves. Respect their thoughts, words, and wishes. Do not mock, mimic, or interrupt them.

8. Do not talk badly about people. When talking bad the negative energy that you release to the universe will be doubled when it comes back to you.

9. People make mistakes, and mistakes should be forgiven. (2)

10. Be positive. Possessing bad thoughts results in diseases in the body, mind, and spirit.

11. Animals, plants, and every other living thing are part of one big family. So, nature is part of us.

12. Children are the future of the world. We need to teach them how to love, and how to be wise. Also, we need to give them space to grow.

13. If you hurt others, the negativity will come back to you. So, do not hurt others’ hearts.

14. Since honesty is the best thing in the universe, always be honest.

15. Take care of yourself. You need to strengthen your body to have a strong mind. Your mind, spirit, emotions, and physics need to be pure, healthy, and strong.

16. Take responsibility for your actions. Likewise, be conscious of your own decisions and reactions.

17. Show respect towards others’ privacy. It is forbidden to touch what is not yours, particularly religious and sacred objects.

18. You need to be true to yourself. You are not able to neither care for others nor help them if you are not able to care for or help yourself.

19. Show respect towards every religion and belief. As well, avoid making other people like your beliefs.

20. Volunteer and be part of the charity. Share your fortune with those who need it.

Besides the fact we have different beliefs, cultures, faith, and religion, we are all the same. We do not own the Earth; we are only visitors here, and we should not destroy it.