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Education Changes: Finland Will Become the First Country in the World With the Phenomenon-Based Learning by 2020?

Everything changes and evolves except education. Today we are in an era of technology in which we can access endless information. Yet, the educational system still expects us to learn everything from books even though it may not serve us in our future lives and professional development. Probably, there have been a lot of times […]

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6 Signs Indicating a Phone Was Hacked

6 Signs Indicating a Phone Was Hacked

Many people think that their phones are private and no one could access them. But, until now, there are no devices that are unable to be hacked. However, if people want to lower the chances they are going to read about the manners in which someone can hack their phone, how to identify them, and […]

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Amazing: Cuddle with Wolves in Norway

In Norway, at Polar Park, people are able to cuddle with domesticated wolves while they are learning about their role in the ecosystem. Probably, people cannot imagine themselves cuddling with a wolf, but in Norway that is possible. An Animal Wildlife Rescue allows people to interact with wolves, and people are lining up for it. […]

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Hugh Hefner’s Life and More

Hugh Hefner's Life and Funeral

Probably, people have heard about Hugh Hefner. He was known because of his various girlfriends and of course, Playboy magazine. But, it may sound as a surprise; Hugh will not be buried next to any of his girlfriends or wives. The creator of the Playboy magazine passed away on September 27, 2017. He died at […]

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