6 Symptoms of Low Potassium Level in Our Body That We Need to Address and Not Ignore

6 Symptoms Of Low Potassium Level In Our Body That We Need To Address and Not Ignore

National Academies recommends 4.7 gr. of potassium per day because it has a big importance for our health. Anyway, in North America, men take 3 gr. and women take even less than 2.5 gr. per day on average.

That is not good because potassium is very important for electrical as well as cellular function. It belongs to the basic blood minerals named “electrolytes,” and it means that it carries an electrical charge.

It is a positive ion and 98% of the potassium contained in the body is found in the cells. Furthermore, the blood serum contains four to five milligrams per a hundred milliliters of the total potassium.

In the red blood cells, there are about 420 milligrams, and that is the reason why they are more relevant in revealing the potassium status. The following functions are maintained by potassium:

  • Muscle contraction;
  • Proper heartbeat and blood regulation;
  • Kidneys remove excess potassium into the urine.

How Do Low Potassium Levels Affect the Body?

When there is hypokalemia which means low levels of potassium in the body, the cellular processes are interrupted, so you may experience weakness. Too high or too low levels of potassium are severe for our health.

So, here are the symptoms that indicate abnormal potassium levels:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Irritability;
  • Nausea;
  • Paralysis;
  • Weakness;
  • Muscle cramps;
  • Dehydration;
  • Confusion;
  • Changes in heart rhythm;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Low blood pressure.

6 Signs Indicating On Lack of Potassium in Your Organism

1. Constipation

Moreover, lack of potassium leads to problems in the digestive system, so this results in bloating and cramps. However, you need to know which foods lead to constipation because potassium is not the main reason.

2. Numbness and Tingling

As an important mineral in the body, potassium boosts the health of the nerves. Lack of potassium in the body results in numbness and burning sensation.

3. Fatigue

One more symptom indicating on lack of potassium is general fatigue. So, you become tired and even exhausted without any specific reason

Every cell in your body needs potassium to work properly, and this means that a lack of potassium can affect the function of organs and cells. If you experience general fatigue, consult your doctor for proper diagnosis

4. Bloating

When you do not have enough potassium in your body, the levels of sodium remain unregulated and that results in bloating because of salt.

5. High Blood Pressure

Since potassium minimizes the effects of sodium in the body, you need to eat foods rich in potassium in order to regulate the levels of your blood pressure.

6. Heart Palpitations

Not enough potassium in the body leads to heart problems. It may lead to irregular heartbeat and palpitations without any specific reason. Also, lack of potassium may interrupt the electrical impulses which lead to arrhythmia.

So, you need to eat foods that contain potassium if you want to prevent cardiovascular diseases. (1)

If you want to get enough potassium, you need to eat foods that contain it. So, here is a list of what you should consume:

  • Banana;
  • Avocado;
  • White beans;
  • Acorn squash;
  • Coconut water;
  • Sweet potato;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Pomegranate;
  • Spinach.

As you can see these foods are all available, so make sure to include them in your everyday diet menu.