9 Health Benefits of Kamias

Ever heard about the fruit called Kamias? Kamias is another name for the tree that is known as Averrhoa bilimbi. In English, the tree is popular as a sorrel tree or cucumber.
Its natural habitat is in Indonesia as well as Malaysia. Interestingly, its fruit serves cooking as well as traditional medicine. It is a highly acidic fruit, but people can eat it prepared because it is rich in minerals and vitamins.
Scientific Classification:
- Kingdom – Plantae;
- Division – Magnoliophyta;
- Class – Magnoliopsida;
- Order – Oxalidales;
- Family – Oxalidaceae;
- Genius – Averrhoa;
- Species – Averrhoa Bilimbi.
This tree can be 33 feet high, and its leaves usually form clusters at the branches’ ends. During the whole year, it has small and fragrant flowers that have a purple or yellow-green color.
This tree’s fruits are of chartreuse color, and it is from the family of starfruit, and it is sweeter than kamias. Although it is sour, kamias is soft and juicy. This fruit can treat and prevent illnesses because of its complex nutrition.
Every part of the tree is beneficial, the leaves, fruits, and flowers. It is rich in glucoside, peroxide, sulfur, potassium citrate, calcium oxalate, formic acid, as well as tannins. In this article, we are going to talk about the health benefits of kamias. (1)
1. Treat Acne
Since kamias contain acid substances help in treating acne. All you need to do is apply some crushed kamias on the place where you have acne and let it stay for a few minutes. Then, wash it with water. Because it is acidic, it may hurt a little bit.
2. Treat Diabetes
People with diabetes may find kamias beneficial. The extract from this fruit has proven to be beneficial for STZ rats. (2)
All you need to do is crash six grains of kamias and put them in a glass of water. Then, you can boil this mixture, and strain the water in the end. Consume these two times per day.
3. Treat Panu
This illness is caused by a fungus on the skin, and kamias is suggested as a natural treatment. However, you cannot treat panu in a day; the treatment is step by step.
To treat this illness, you need shredded kamias applied to the affected area. Usually, it needs to stay about 15 minutes, and you should do it on a regular basis.
4. Treat Thrush
This treatment can be painful, but effective as well. Because of kamias’ acidic substances, this fruit is really beneficial. All you need to do is apply some crashed kamias to the affected area.
5. Treat Rheumatism
Are you suffering from rheumatism? If yes, you know the pain, but now, with the help of kamias, you should not worry about that anymore. To relieve your pain you need to make a mixture of handful crashed kamias’ leaves and one grain and water.
Apply this mixture to the affected area two or three times per day. Make sure not to do any activities when you are using this treatment.
6. Treat Stiffness
Stiffness is a pain in the muscles and it occurs in muscles of the neck, shoulders, arms, and legs. Even though this pain goes away on its own, you can treat it with kamias too.
Make a mixture of one grain of kamias, a handful of leaves, ten grains of cloves, as well as fifteen grains of peppercorns. Crush these ingredients till you get a soft texture and add vinegar. Apply this to the affected area.
7. Treat Cough
Kamias is a natural way to treat a cough. All you need to do is make a mixture of three grains of kamias, several grains of fennel, and sugar. Then, boil this mixture, and take several hours to steam.
Divide the water into two parts from which you will drink the one half in the morning on an empty stomach, and the other half in the evening.
If you want to treat whooping cough, you need another recipe. Wash ten grains of kamias, squeeze them, add water and two tablespoons of saltwater. Drink this in the same way as you drink the other recipe.
Note: Since kids do not have a strong immune system, it is better to use kamias to treat their cough.
8. Treat a Toothache
Having a toothache is very painful, but luckily, you have kamias a natural way to treat it. You just need to crush some kamias and put them on the tooth that is in pain. Kamias treats pain better than medications.
9. Hypertension
If you have a problem with high blood pressure, you should use kamias because it promotes hypertension. Boil three grains of kamias and two glasses of water. Consume this every day till you feel that your blood pressure is reduced. (3)
Remember, although these treatments are good for some people, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they will be beneficial for you as well.
These recipes are traditional Grandmother’s-Remedies that have been used for hundreds of years. Although there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, our Grandmothers swear by them.