What Does the Color of Our Urine Say About Our Health?

What Does the Color of Our Urine Say About Our Health

We often ignore the color changes in the urine. But, it turns out that can tell us a lot about our health. The body gets rid of the waste from the blood and liver through the urine. Therefore, any color changes in the urine can indicate a person’s health.

Furthermore, any medications, injuries, infections, or illnesses may affect the color of the urine. A healthy person has a pale or golden yellow urine. What gives the urine color is the urochrome pigment.

Also, dehydration can affect the color and make the urine look darker. An amber color means that you don’t drink enough water. So, make sure to drink some. Moreover, there are more unusual urine colors that can indicate various health problems.

Therefore, if you have blue, red, cloudy white, green, or dark brown urine, make sure to consult with a doctor or a specialist, according to WebMD.

What Color Is Your Urine?

If you are healthy and everything is normal, your urine should be pale yellow or gold. Here is a list of all the possible urine colors you can encounter.

1. Transparent

Colorless or transparent urine could mean that you are drinking a lot of water. Therefore, it is a good idea to cut back on too much water. Otherwise, it is not a serious health problem, nor can it affect overall health.

2. Pale Yellow

This color is normal. Having pale yellow urine means that you are well-hydrated and healthy. So, keep up the good work.

3. Transparent Yellow

This is normal urine color. It means that nothing is wrong with your body and you are in perfect shape.

4. Dark Yellow

Dark yellow urine means that everything is alright. However, you should drink some water. It is important to keep the body hydrated and avoid getting a darker urine color.

5. Amber

Amber urine color means that you need water. As a result, you need to get a few glasses of cold water.

6. Brown

Brown urine could be a sign of liver disease or serious dehydration. If the color persists and doesn’t return to normal, contact your doctor and ask for advice.

7. Red or Pink

Usually eating blueberries, rhubarb, or beets can make the urine turn pink. However, if you haven’t eaten any of them recently, it means that you have blood in the urine. So, this could mean nothing, or it could serve as a warning sign.

In addition, red urine may be a sign of tumors, prostate problems, kidney disease, urinary tract infections, or else. Plus, there is a chance of mercury poising. Therefore, it is crucial to contact your doctor.

8. Orange

Orange urine could be a sign of dehydration or a bile duct or liver condition. Moreover, food dyes can also cause urine to turn orange. Nevertheless, you should consult with a doctor.

9. Green or Blue

This is an extremely rare genetic disease. Furthermore, certain bacteria can infect the urinary tract and cause the urine to turn green or blue. Also, there is a chance that food dye or medications might cause this unusual color.

However, if it persists, consult with a doctor.

10. Purple

Purple urine doesn’t exist.

11. Foaming or Fizzy

Usually, this is a harmless air emission. But, it could also be a sign of too much protein in the system. Furthermore, it might indicate that you have kidney problems. So, if the foaming persists, consult with a doctor.