5 Exercises That Will Help Reshape Our Body

5 Exercises That Will Help Reshape Our Body

Exercising on a regular basis and consuming healthy foods is very important for our health. Many studies show that eating healthy foods makes our life happier. However, exercising is of great importance just like foods rich in nutrients.

Here, we offer 5 effective exercises that will help people get closer to the body they want. People will need to do these exercises for 4 weeks. After that time they might notice a positive change in their body.

Exercise #1 – Squats

For this exercise, you should keep your feet shoulder-width apart, and spread your arms up front. Then, slowly bend your knees, and bring your hips ahead, and get in a position in which your thighs will be parallel with the floor.

Of course, you need to keep your back straight. In order to go back to your first position, push your feet to the ground. Doing squats strengthens your body, improved the process of burning fat, and it builds your calves, quads, and hams.

Exercise #2 – Plank

This exercise is very useful because it makes your shoulders strong as well as your abs great. To do this exercise, get on the floor in a push-up position, keep your elbows in a 90-degree position, and make a straight line with your body.

Stay in this position without moving as long as you can.

Exercise #3 – Bird Dog

For this exercise, you should be in a position like in the previous plank exercise, but support yourself on your hands and knees. At the same time extend your right hand and your left leg, and keep a balance.

After a few seconds, do the same while changing sides. This is a great exercise for your lower back and abdomen.

Exercise #4 – Push-ups

For this exercise, you need to be in a plank position also, and then position your hands under your shoulders in order to keep your body up. Keep your back, legs, and bottom straight. Go back to the floor, and do it again.

This exercise is great for your whole body.

Exercise #5 –Lying Hip Raises

Lay on the floor, bend your knees and keep your feet flat. Then, stretch them out to the sides at a forty-five degrees angle, squeeze your bottom, and raise your hips by bending your pelvis.

Go back to the first position, and do it again. This is a great exercise for your back, abs, bottom, thighs, as well as hamstrings.

Here is an exercise plan for four weeks.

Workout #1

  • Do planks for a minute
  • Do push-ups for a minute
  • Do squats for two minutes
  • Do bird-dog for a minute
  • Do lying hip raises for a minute
  • Do plans for a minute
  • Do push-ups for a minute
  • Do squats for two minutes
  • Take about ten seconds to rest.

Workout #2

  • Do planks for three minutes
  • Do bird-dog for three minutes
  • Do lying hip raises for three minutes
  • Do push-ups for a minute
  • Take about fifteen seconds to rest.

One Month Schedule

Week #1

  • Day 1 – Workout #1
  • Day 2 – Workout #2
  • Day 3 – Workout #1
  • Day 4 – Workout #2
  • Day 5 – Workout #1
  • Day 6 – Workout #2
  • Day 7 – Rest

Week #2

  • Day 1 – Workout #2
  • Day 2 – Workout #1
  • Day 3 – Workout #2
  • Day 4 – Workout #1
  • Day 5 – Workout #2
  • Day 6 – Workout #1
  • Day 7 – Rest

When you are done with the second week, continue exercising by following the plan for the week number one, and then follow the plan of the second week. Give yourself a month to make your body stronger, healthier, and filled with energy.

Remember, although this exercise plan is good for some people, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be equally effective for you as well. Still, you lose nothing for trying it out, so good luck!