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Elderberry Health Benefits

Elderberry Can Help Treat the Flu, Strengthen Immunity and Prevent Colds, Scientists Say

Elderberry is native to parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe. It has been known to man ever since the prehistoric era in ancient Egypt. People have found out that elderberry can be used as natural medicine. Sambucus is actually a genus of flowering plants from the family Adocaxeae, and the flowers and berries are the […]

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Delicious, Anti-Inflammatory Coconut and Sweet Potato Muffins with Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon and Maple Syrup

Delicious, Anti-Inflammatory Coconut and Sweet Potato Muffins with Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon and Maple Syrup

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we can eat delicious baked goods that are healthy at the same time? Turns out, we can. All we have to do is replace the inflammatory ingredients like processed wheat, refined sugars, and vegetable oils, with anti-inflammatory ones. The result would be healthy and tasty baked goods that will boost […]

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7 Things That Happen When People Embrace Being Alone

7 Things That Happen When People Embrace Being Alone

Enjoying being alone or there’s nothing more boring than that? Well, being alone doesn’t mean we’re anti-social or weird. It means we give ourselves some time to focus on our thoughts and recharge. It’s actually pretty awesome. Just try spending some time alone – it’s relaxing, liberating, and inspiring! You’ll grow as a person, and […]

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5 Things Highly Sensitive People Must Have to Be Happy

5 Things Highly Sensitive People Must Have to Be Happy

Those people who process info deeply get impacted by it on a daily basis. These people are known as highly sensitive people, who as a result of processing info intensely experience the world a bit differently. To them, stories of heartbreak and photos of violence can be excruciating. Busy schedules, sudden loud noises, and bright […]

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