What Should People Eat According to Their Blood Type

Lose Weight by Following a Diet According to Your Blood Type

The human’s blood type is an important factor for the manifestation of the personality as well as health. So, as a result, Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo got an idea of a special diet according to the blood types.

1. Blood Type A

People with this blood type have structures, peaceful, and balanced life surrounded by a supportive community. And, according to Dr. D’Adamo, these people may lose a lot of weight if they do not consume meat and veggies. (1)

Furthermore, the doctor recommends that these people should consume organic, fresh, and clean types of diets. Many people who have this type of blood possess a sensitive immune system, so, they may discharge it, which will cause many illnesses.

Recommended foods are beans, fruits, and veggies, legumes, organic and fresh whole grains.

2. Blood Type B

People with this type of blood have the genetic potential for increased malleability and are capable of adapting to changeable environments. These people should not consume foods that have an impact on their metabolisms such as lentils, corn, sesame seeds, wheat, peanuts, tomatoes, chicken, and buckwheat. (2)

But, are recommended to eat veggies, eggs, meats, and low-fat dairy. (3)

3. Blood Type AB

Usually, people with this diet have a balance between life challenge making decisions. They are lovable people and are fortunate in love. Even though Dr. D’Adamo believes that these people have low stomach acid, they love meat. (4)

So, when they consume meat, their stomach does not metabolize the meat, and it stores fats. But, eating small amounts of meat may fix this problem. They should eat dairy, seafood, green veggies, and tofu, and to avoid alcohol, caffeine, as well as smoked and cured meats. (5)

4. Blood Type O

These people can easily digest many kinds of meals that contain high amounts of protein and fat. And, according to Dr. Adamo, that is a result of having high stomach acids. So, the doctor recommends to these people to eat meat, fish, poultry, and veggies as much as they want, but avoid carbs, especially grains. (6)


If a person suffers from a chronic condition, for instance, diabetes, they may be recommended to consume high protein. On the other hand, there may be people with diabetes that would be recommended to avoid chicken or dairy. This may interfere with the treatment of diabetes. (7)

According to the American Diabetes Association, you should not exclude any major food groups. Even though weight loss may have a positive effect on your overall health, you should always follow the AHA (American Heart Association) guideline for consuming low fat and low salt foods.

Also, people need to have 150 minutes of physical exercise per week.

After all, you need to consult your doctor before you decide which diet you would use in order to lose weight.