
8 Reasons to Grow Mint At Home And How To Do It

12 Health Benefits Of Mint & How To Grow It At Home

Mint is a plant that belongs to the family Lamiaceae. It’s also known as Mentha. And, it has 13-18 different types of it. It has a refreshing, nice, and sharp taste and smell. A lot of cosmetic products use mint because of its cooling sensation.

Also, people use mint in salads, smoothies, drinks, etc. However, the amazing plant has numerous health benefits people should know about.

1. Better Digestion

People who have problems with digestion find mint very useful. The plant has a lot of antioxidants that are helpful for your belly. Its refreshing smell stimulates the production of digestive enzymes important for digestion.

It is great for easing muscle spasms and indigestion because it relaxed the muscles. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that mint contains methyl and menthol which calms an upset belly and improve digestion.

2. Helps with Hiccups

Take several mint leaves and chew them, or spice your water with some mint if you want to get rid of a hiccup. Since menthol calms muscle spasms, it helps in stopping hiccups.

3. Breastfeeding

Every mother knows that breastfeeding is an amazing experience, but it can be followed by pain, and it can even damage the nipples and the breasts. So, studies say that mint decreases nipple cracks as well as nipple pain.

4. Better Memory

Research revealed that mint as aromatherapy improves memory and increases people’s alertness. So, if you find yourself forgetful, use some mint. You can boil water and add a few leaves, then let the scent spread around your home.

5. Calms Cough and Respiratory Problems

Because of the strong scent, mint is helpful in opening up the nasal passages and letting you breathe normally. It relieves irritation and cough as well.

That is the reason why there are numerous of mint based balms. Keep in mind that inhalers based on mint are better than those with aerosols.

6. Better Immune System

Mint contains calcium, vitamins-D, E, C, phosphorus, and a little bit of B-complex. Consuming mint helps you boost your immune system.

7. Better Mood and Lowered Fatigue

Smelling mint improves your mood, and your brain functions well again. Also, whenever you feel anxious or stressed, smelling mint can be helpful because it is a natural stimulant.

And, it releases serotonin in your brain. Well, whenever you are in a bad mood, add several leaves in your warm bath.

8. Better Oral Health

Mint has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, so it is excellent for your oral health. Take several mint leaves and rub your teeth and gums, or you can chew the leaves if you want to get rid of bad breath.

You Can Grow Mint in Your Home

If you are interested in having fresh mint in your home, you should know that it is very easy to grow it. Mint has root systems named runners.

They are able of sprouting new leaves and planting around the roots as they grow. You should plant them in different pots since they are evasive.

Cut a spring off or use plant seed to grow your own mint. You need a container that retains water, and it needs to be 12-16 inches wide, and you need a potting soil too. The pot needs to be placed somewhere where it will get enough sunlight.

For example, you can place it in your kitchen window. Make sure to water it regularly, and keep it away from heat. It needs to be kept to six inches height if you want to get a bush and get more leaves.

Trim the buds of the mint flower. Harvest one to three leaves. If you want dry leaves, you need to tie them up, lay them flat on a tray, or hang them from the stems. Keep them in an airtight container.

You can use mint in your dishes such as salads, chicken, potatoes, fish, cooked veggies, and lamb. Use it as a spice to cocktails, teas, and lemonade.